Monday, March 25, 2013

Louis Tomlinson Upset That The Mirror Interviewed His Estranged ...

Louis Tomlinson Upset With The Mirror

One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson is super upset with The Mirror because the paper interviewed his estranged father, who he has only seen a handful of times since he left when Louis was 2-years-old. Louis’ dad told the paper that he was very proud of his son, and that he didn’t want anything from him besides to show his support.

Louis took to Twitter to send a message to The Mirror, and it wasn’t super nice:

I’d like to start off the day by saying a big f*** you to ‘the mirror’

Yikes! Looks like Louis isn’t interested in hearing what his dad has to say!

On a happier note, One Direction took home two Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards over the weekend!

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