Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Road To Success | It could be anything.

Some people think that being successful is to be a billionaire. Others think success is being well-known. I think success is about being able to achieve your own goals and destination without losing yourself.

Demi Lovato, an American singer, whom I regard as a successful person. She’s only one year older than me, which is 21 years old now, but I idolize her very much. This is because she is able to overcome her barriers and be a better person. Being bullied in high school, she suffered from anorexia and bulimia and a mental illness known as bi-polar disorder. But she confronted these problems and recovered in a medical center. After recovery, she delivers messages of staying strong and being true to who you are. She has also written a lot of songs, of the lyrics are very inspiring and encouraging. She becomes more popular and well-known than she was before confronting and admitting her problems. She inspires me a lot because she makes me understand how important it is to not hide from the problems. And most importantly, do not degrade yourself just because people say so.

People will tell you that you cannot make it or saying anything to stop you from where you are going, but if we believe in ourselves and not lose faith, I’m sure we can reach our destination.

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