Monday, March 25, 2013

VaporSky Spectrum Decor | GeekAlerts

VaporSky Spectrum Decor

Do you ever wonder what sound looks like? No, I haven’t been smoking anything weird; just enjoying the awesome decorating potential of sound with the VaporSky Spectrum Decor.

Artwork created from sound waves is about as unique as you can get when it comes to decorating because there are numerous choices that will make these prints 100% you. Everything from song choice to color scheme to print size is completely controlled by you.

Want to see what music would look like hanging on your wall?

VaporSky Spectrum Decor - Unbroken by Demi Lovato This piece was made using the Demi Lovato song, Unbroken.

VaporSky Spectrum Decor - William Tell Overture And this is from the William Tell Overture, otherwise known as the theme from the Lone Ranger.

You choose the options that personalize your artwork.

  • Created from any music you desire.

  • Choose from 25 preset or custom colors.

  • Select from five landscape sizes.

  • Include a personal message on your private Spectrum Decor webpage.

What makes your Spectrum Decor unique.

  • The specific music you choose.

  • Length of that piece of music.

  • Varying frequencies of sound.

  • Intensity of music throughout.

Don’t let just your ears enjoy music; let your eyes in on the fun, too. VaporSky Spectrum Decor is available for $199-$700 at VaporSky.


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