Friday, December 27, 2013

Crazy Days and Nights: Tori Spelling Is Being Very Quiet

It's pretty obvious that Dean McDermott cheated on Tor Spelling just by the total lack of response coming from Tori Spelling. I'm guessing she knew the cover story was coming and that the world would see her face at the checkout stand this week. Tori probably had one day's notice. What I want to know is whether Tori knew that Dean cheated or if the first she knew of it was when her publicist called to tell her about the cover story.

That must have been an interesting day inside the Spelling house. Right before Christmas. This isn't the first time Dean has inserted his hockey stick elsewhere and not the first time he has been caught. It is the first time any tabloid has got someone to go on the record though. I think Dean probably thought he was safe keeping everything confined to Canada. Tori was always worried about him cheating because they did meet that way. They both cheated on their respective spouses. Maybe he thinks he can live pretty well off child support money because he sure is not going to make any money off his acting or get another reality show.

If the story wasn't true Tori would have let the world know it. With her silence she is confirming it is true. Dean for now is still in their house but I wonder if that will hold true after the holidays.


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