Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Iggy Azalea Says Her Collaboration With Demi Lovato Will Not Be ...



Iggy Azalea and Demi Lovato’s forthcoming collaboration will unfortunately not be coming to a radio near you.

During a fan Q&A on Twitter over the weekend, Azalea confirmed that her highly anticipated Demi Lovato duet, “Kingdom Come,” will not be released as a single.

That is totally not cool (for the summer).

The “Fancy” singer revealed that she won’t be doing anymore features until her own stuff is out, but that exceptions can and will be made for BFFs that just so happen to also be future bridesmaids.

“[Demi] is the exception to that because [she’s] my close friend,” Azalea said on Twitter.

As for Azalea’s upcoming followup to her 2014 album The New Classic, the Australian performer reportedly has at least six songs completed, and plans to drop a new single in 2016. Earlier this month, Azalea told Idolator that she feels “really excited” about her sophomore album.

“It’s nerve-racking when you have success to make something that sounds totally different,” Azalea said. “Will people like it? Will this isolate half my fan base? I don’t know, but I have to take a risk and do something that makes me happy to come into work.”

What do you think? Are you disappointed that “Kingdom Come” won’t be released as a single?



The Late News from http://ift.tt/1iZrYah