Friday, September 4, 2015

Pink Shades Trashy, Uninspiring MTV VMAs (True Tea, Though ...

MTV Video Music Awards 2015 Recap
MTV Video Music Awards 2015 Recap
Everything from Miley's boobs to Nicki's beef to Kanye's bid for President in 2020.

Thank Christ someone said what we were all thinking.

Pink, a usually fragile, shy and wilting flower, has reportedly voiced up with her thoughts on this past Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards. We say “reportedly” because her comments were apparently made on her personal Instagram, which is set to private.

But fear not, for there is a screen grab of her words doing the rounds, wherein she chides the annual shindig by stating, “I felt embarrassed and sad. And old. We’re getting old. But in all seriousness; I felt sad because music is supposed to inspire. It saved my life. This trash won’t save any kids [sic] life.”

The full screen capture is below.

Now, as you can imagine, the fans of certain artists who did perform at the VMAs didn’t take too kindly to Pink’s sass, and began to let her know so on Twitter.

Pink then decided to clarify her shade.

Oh, and Demi Lovato herself, who belted out seasonal lesbian jam “Cool For The Summer” at the VMAs on Sunday, took issue with Pink’s comments.

Now, in the name of fairness, we should point out that Pink once performed a medley of her tell-off/masturbation anthem “U + Ur Hand” and “Get The Party Started” at the Australian MTV Video Music Awards.

But who knows — maybe that inspired some young kids to spank it into red Solo cup?

What do you make of Pink’s words on the VMAs? Let us know below, or by hitting us up on Twitter and Facebook.


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